Marketing Campaigns

B2B Marketing lists that grow sales

With a re-newed sense of confidence in the economy now is a great time to look at new client acquisition strategies, to expand your customer base and grow your business.

CRIF Marketing Lists are a great tool to armor your sales and marketing teams with to help them quickly identify the right companies and the right people talk to.

Take advantage of new opportunities!

Business Information on Irish and UK companies

CRIF Vision-net, based in Dublin, delivers accurate and authoritative business insights and reports to our users across financial services, accounting, legal and general business to assist with their credit risk, customer profiling, competitor awareness, PEP checks, due diligence and AML requirements for Irish, UK, European and worldwide entities and individuals.

Business information on any international company

Thanks to SkyMinder, the CRIF gloabl business information platform, you can access commercial risk data and take better business decisions on worldwide companies. All countries around the world are available on SkyMinder, with no barriers in terms of political or economic turmoil or instability, such as embargos, or internal or external conflicts.